Archive for the ‘Blog Posts’ Category

High Blood Pressure Medications Cause Vitamin Deficiency

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Millions of Americans are prescribed high blood pressure medications to reduce their risk of heart disease. In theory this idea sounds great, however; the side effects of the medications can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies can actually cause heart disease. Bottom line, you end up reducing disease risk in one way and increasing disease risk in several others. This is what I commonly refer to as “Chasing your tail syndrome”…

Do you have high blood pressure?

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension and your doctor wants to prescribe medication to control it, consider the following factors:

  • Exercise works better than any medication.  (it has to be the right kind of exercise)
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are often times the cause of high blood pressure in the first place.
  • Food allergies can cause and or contribute to high blood pressure.
  • Diets high in processed foods can cause high blood pressure
  • Diets rich in potassium and magnesium (fruits and veggies) have been shown to dramatically reduce it.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic  care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.

Gluten Free Diet and Nutritional Changes Defeat AS, Uveitis, and Asthma

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

I commonly get asked – “Does a gluten free diet help this (insert disease name) autoimmune disease?”

The answer is typically yes.  Why?  It has been well established that gluten contributes and in many cases, causes these types of conditions.  We know that it creates leaky gut syndrome and gut bacterial changes that change the way the immune system behaves.  This in turn leads to the development of autoimmunity.  There are 140 different types of autoimmune disease.  Typically they are named based on their location.  For example:

  • Celiac disease (affects the small intestine)
  • Crohn’s disease (right side of the large intestine)
  • Ulcerative Colitis (left side of the large intestine)
  • Hashimoto’s (thyroid gland)
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis (the skin)
  • Eczema and psoriasis (the skin)
  • Asthma (the lungs)
  • Osteoporosis (the bones)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and Lupus (the joints)
  • Schizophrenia and bipolar disease (the brain)
  • Neuropathy, Epilepsy, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (the nervous system and brain)

If you have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease…

For anyone with a diagnosis I recommend genetic testing for gluten sensitivity immediately.   Diet is too easy to change and has too great an impact to ignore.  Unfortunately most traditional doctors will tell patients that diet has nothing to do with disease.  This would not be the case if nutrition was actually taught in medical school.  If your doctor will not help you identify nutritional elements related to your disease, I recommend that you find a functional medicine doctor who will.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly treats patients from across the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the Greater Houston area.

The Benefits of Cholesterol on Health

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

The benefits of cholesterol often get left out when people visit their cardiologists.  This video breaks down why demonizing high cholesterol is a huge health mistake…

Benefits of Cholesterol

  • Carries vitamins through the blood stream into your tissues
  • Allows the brain to form nerve synapses.  Lack of synapse formation leads to brain degradation, brain fog, memory issues, and more.
  • Cholesterol produces sex steroid hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
  • Cholesterol helps fight infection (virus and bacterial).
  • It is a precursor to vitamin D
  • Low levels can contribute to muscle loss and weakness
  • It forms the nutrient CoQ10

Why Are We So Focused on Lowering It?

Most doctors are hyper focused and evaluating cholesterol levels.  The reality of the matter is that lowering cholesterol hasn’t worked to reduce deaths from heart disease.  That being the case, is taking the medication to lower it worth the risk?  Remember that statin drugs induce muscle loss, muscle pain, nutritional deficiencies, and cause liver damage.

Solution Worse Than The Problem –

Seems with all of the negative consequences of the medications, the smart question to ask is – “is it worth it?”  What ever happened to first do no harm?

The Harmful Effects – Vitamin D deficiency causes heart disease, high blood pressure, muscle atrophy, autoimmune disease, and cancer.  CoQ10 deficiency causes high blood pressure, muscle loss, congestive heart failure, and dementia.  Hormone deficiencies lead to hair loss, low libido, accelerated aging, and more.  Is lowering this molecule with artificial drugs worth all of that?

Commonly Reported Side Effects – Muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle atrophy, liver damage, digestive issues, skin rashes, and nerve damage (neuropathy).  A recent research study found that using statin drugs (the most commonly prescribed cholesterol lowering therapy) actually led to a decrease in heart muscle function.  Another recent study found that statin drugs increase the risk for stroke.

If you have elevated levels of this natural chemical, this article is a must read before considering the use of medication.  Once you finish that article, read this one.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly treats patients from across the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the Greater Houston area.

The Failure of Medicine

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

In this video, Dr. Peter Osborne discusses the failures of modern medicine, and the concept of medicalisation.  This was a presentation given in Sugar Land, Texas for the Gluten Free Society.

The death of common sense…

Victim mentality of health leads to a lack of one’s ability to actually get better.  Doctors often turn patients into victims and life long consumers of prescription medications that don’t treat the cause of the disease.  If you are seeking to treat the origin of your problem, find a functional medicine doctor (Chiropractor, M.D., N.D, D.O, etc) who can help identify why you are sick and guide you back the health and wellness.

You can contact Dr. Osborne’s office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly treats patients from across the world.  His office is in Texas in the Greater Houston area.

Cholesterol Drugs Cause CoQ10 Deficiency

Friday, June 17th, 2011

If you are taking statin medications like Zocor, Lipitor, or Crestor to lower your cholesterol, then it is imperative that you watch this video.  Take this information to your doctor right away and make sure that you speak with him about the toxic and dangerous side effects.

Learn more about the high cholesterol myth and why treating this symptom with medications can be terrible for your health.

If you are frustrated with your current health status and are looking for a functional medicine doctor in the greater Houston or Sugar Land area you can contact our office at 281-240-2229.  Dr. Osborne is a world renowned functional medicine doctor, chiropractor, Board Certified Nutritionist, and Food Allergy Expert.  He specializes in helping people when traditional medicine fails.