Posts Tagged ‘neck’

Neck Stretches and Exercises

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

The following videos focus on building neck and shoulder flexibility, strength, and stability.  Performing these daily during care will help reduce or eliminate pain, and improve your chiropractic treatment outcomes.

Go Back to the Main Stretching Menu Here…

Go Back to the Main Stretching Menu Here…

*** You should continue performing these activities even after you are released from care.  Doing so will help prevent recurrence of your condition, and just as importantly, doing these will promote a reduced risk of chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis (bone loss), Alzheimer’s, and more.  For more information on the health benefits of exercise go here…

If you are in the greater Houston area and would like to call and schedule an appointment at Town Center Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition, P.A. please call 281-240-2229.

Reduce Neck Pain While Improving Shoulder Strength

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Neck pain and frozen shoulder problems are extremely common.  Chronic sitting while driving, working at a computer, sitting at a desk, etc.  all couple to reduce overall neck and shoulder range of motion.  This in turn leads to muscle spasms and acute pain.  Over the years these lifestyle factors can add up – leading to severe arthritis, herniated disc problems, rotator cuff issues, frozen shoulder syndrome, and much more.

Instead of Masking the Pain with Medicine –

Doctors commonly prescribe pain medications to treat these issues.  Unfortunately, these drugs do not resolve the cause of the pain, they only mask the symptoms.  Additionally, many of these drugs induce vitamin and mineral deficiencies leading to joint arthritis.  Before medicine, eliminate foods that cause inflammation in the joints and muscles and eat healthy anti-inflammatory foods.

Before Having Surgery –

Surgery is often times recommended as the solution for these conditions.  It is important to know that before considering surgery for a neck or shoulder problem, always try a treatment regimen of chiropractic and physical therapy first.  Surgery should be considered as a last resort only if more conservative measures fail.  The following exercise can help you maintain good muscular strength and motion in your neck and shoulders naturally without pain medications…

You can also try the following stretches and exercises to help reduce your neck tension, muscle spasm, and shoulder tightness…

Reduce Shoulder Pain With This Exercise

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

The following exercise will help you improve range of motion in your shoulders.  Additionally, this activity will help reduce neck and shoulder pain that is commonly associated with excessive sitting, computer work, driving, and stress induced muscular tension.  It is most effective when performed multiple times per day.

Neck Pain?  Try this stretch…

If you found this helpful, please forward to your friends, co-workers, and family.  If you haven’t tried chiropractic care for your neck and back pain, you should.  You can reach our office in Sugar Land at 281-240-2229.

In good health,

Dr. Osborne