Posts Tagged ‘side effects’

Pain Medications Cause Joint Pain & Joint Damage

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Back pain is the second most common condition that people visit their doctor for.  Likewise, prescriptions medications to treat pain are often the first line o treatment recommended by doctors.  Unfortunately, pain medications do little to address the actual origin of the pain and serve more to mask the outward symptoms.  The consequences of long term pain medications on healing and nutritional status are discussed in this Web Wellness University video below…

Prescription Drugs for Pain Don’t Solve the Problem

Drugs only mask inflammation, they do not correct the source. Many pain meds also cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This side effect can prevent long term healing. For example, NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause folic acid and vitamin C deficiency. Both of these vitamins are crucial for the body to be able to repair damaged cartilage, joints, tendons, and ligaments. See the diagram below:

Most, doctors specializing in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, back pain, neck pain, and other diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system never even consider diet as an important factor in the development of these conditions. I was formally trained in rheumatology at the VA hospital in Houston, TX, and I can say that diet and nutritional recommendations to patients were discouraged and in most cases frowned upon by our attending physicians.  It was actually this experience that prompted me to dig deeper into the connection between join/muscle  diseases and food.

Over the past 10 years, I have treated thousands of patients with arthritic conditions. The most single effective therapies have always been diet and exercise. The paradox with exercise… It is harder to stick to if it flares up the arthritis. The problem with food…everyone reacts uniquely based on their own unique chemistry. But it only makes sense that if drugs can target inflammation as a treatment, why can’t food. After all, isn’t food a drug of sorts?

I have found that medical research greatly supports this connection, but more importantly, I have found that patients get better after eliminating inflammatory foods from their diets. What foods should we avoid to help recover from arthritis?  Depends on the person. Everyone is unique.

Problems That Benefit With The Right Diet Changes:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Stiff man’s syndrome
  • Degenerative disc disease, disc herniations
  • Sprain/Strains
  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  • Chronic Repetitive Injuries
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • spondyloarthritis
  • psoriatic
  • reactive arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scleroderma
  • Myofascitis
  • Dermatomyositis

If you suffer with a chronic pain condition and have been using medications with little benefit, try finding a functional medicine doctor.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic  care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.

Is High Cholesterol a Hoax?

Friday, February 12th, 2010
“We have one and a half million heart attacks in the U.S.each year. About 50 percent have normal cholesterol. Clearly, current guidelines are not adequate to identify all those individuals who are at increased risk,”
Nader Rifai, MD(2004)

Statistically speaking, cholesterol levels have zero relevance in determining heart attack risk. A 50-50 chance, after all, means a coin flips worth of certainty.  But that’s not all: people with the highest cholesterol may also live the longest…

Consider the finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported in 1994 that elderly with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did the elderly with high cholesterol. His research also showed that people with higher cholesterol lived longer than those with lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol has long been blamed for the epidemic of heart disease in this country, despite hundreds of peer reviewed studies indicating that – to the contrary – low cholesterol levels may increase the risk of dying from infection, stroke, cancer, and yes, even heart attack itself. Consider the fact that there are scientific organizations composed of concerned scientists and physicians whose sole purpose is to point out inaccuracies of the cholesterol theory of heart disease. For more elaborate information please visit

The Term “Bad Cholesterol” is a Myth

Let’s begin by acknowledging that cholesterol is an essential substance produced by nearly every cell of our body, and the building block for the cell wall, bile salts, vitamin D, steroid hormones, the myelin sheath of the nerves, and 30% of our brain tissue.  LDL or so-called “bad cholesterol,” transports antioxidants throughout the body and helps fight bacterial infection.  How can something that has so many important functions be so bad for you?

High Cholesterol is not a Disease

It is unscientific to call high cholesterol a disease.  Elevations in cholesterol are often times normal reactions to events in the environment.  Cholesterol production is extremely variable and depends on many factors.  Take into consideration the following: When we have allergy flare ups during the Spring or Fall, our cholesterol can increase to help support immune function.  Catching cold or the flu can cause temporary elevations in cholesterol.  Contrary to popular belief, diets high in processed grains can cause elevations in cholesterol.  And to top it off, medications prescribed for the following conditions elevate cholesterol: high blood pressure, hormone contraceptives, asthma, chronic pain, and acne.

So, why have we been fixated on cholesterol as the enemy for all these years?

The answer to that question has to do with the sad fact that the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines were written under tremendous bias.  Of the nine members who wrote the guidelines, 8 had direct financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that profit from the sale of cholesterol lowering medications.  Additionally, the research used to base the NCEP guidelines was paid for by the pharmaceutical industry.

Treating Symptoms Doesn’t Work

Despite medical intervention, there are more than 80 million cases of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the U.S.  Cholesterol lowering medications cost U.S. taxpayers more than 10 billion annually.  If treating cholesterol with medicine was the answer, why do so many still suffer from CVD? Why does it still kill a million people every year?

What about the side effects of cholesterol lowering medications?  Congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, muscle pain and weakness, fatigue, and nerve damage are some of the possibilities.  What happened to the Hippocratic Oath – “First, do no harm”?

Heart disease is not caused by a lack of medication.  Research and common sense continue to show that the best treatment lies with prevention.  Cultures that do not consume processed refined foods have extremely low to no incidence of CVD.  Diet and lifestyle play a much greater role than do genetics as we did not inherit heart disease from our ancestors.  It is foolish to diminish the role that they play in health and wellness.

The bottom line – people are becoming more and more skeptical about the massive use of pharmaceuticals to treat disease.  They are looking to find the contributing factors and causes of their ailments, not to treat the symptoms.

“The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

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Cholesterol Myth

Cholesterol Myth

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

stethoscope lying on a ekgWhat You Should Know About Cholesterol Before Taking Medication

By Dr. Osborne

High cholesterol is a household word in America. We have been told that it causes heart disease and stroke. We have been told to eat less animal fat. We have been told to eat more carbohydrates and fiber. We have been told that children as young as 2 years old should have their cholesterol checked. We have been marketed to by cereal companies. They tell us to eat whole grain sugar loaded cereals (i.e. Honey Nut Cheerios and Lucky Charms) to lower our cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Drug companies like Merck and Pfizer have told us that we need to take artificial chemicals to lower cholesterol. Our doctors have told us that we should use these medications for the rest of our lives…

Has anyone stopped to ask why?   Does it sound reasonable to put an 8 year old on cholesterol medication?  It is reasonable to think that a processed cereal with excessive sugar be used as a tool to improve health?  Is it reasonable to believe that we need to avoid eggs and animal protein and take a drug to keep the body functioning normally? What did we do before the medicine?   Statistically speaking, heart disease and stroke are on the rise in spite of the use of preventative cardiovascular medicines.  So the big question is: If taking these medications prevents heart disease, why are people dying from heart disease in record numbers?

Let’s take a look at the scientific facts surrounding this issue:

High cholesterol as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease is a disproven theory.   Many medical experts have refuted this hypothesis for years.(1-2)  Studies using cholesterol medications to lower the risk for heart disease are funded and sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.   Both the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine & Journal of the American Medical Association have admitted that published papers in the two journals are often times fraught with conflicts of interest and that many studies that yield non beneficial drug effects go unreported. Many studies overstate the benefit of medication use by manipulating statistics and reporting relative risk reduction instead of actual risk reduction. For example, a recent study reported a 53% “relative” reduction in heart disease using Crestor, but the actual risk reduction was only 0.9%.

Multiple studies have shown that people with higher cholesterol live longer.(5)   High cholesterol has not been shown to be a risk factor for heart disease in women, diabetics, coronary heart disease patients, or the elderly.(3)  As a matter of fact, several studies have shown that higher cholesterol levels in the elderly population is associated with greater longevity and a reduced risk of dying from cancer and infection.(4-5)

Add the following facts to the above information: Low cholesterol has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, depression, aggressive and violent behavior, and suppression of immunity.

Risk Vs. Benefit
When considering the use of any medication it is important to know what NNT (numbers needed to treat) means. NNT is a value that rates the efficacy of a medication. The NNT for statin drugs is about 100. This means for one person to receive the benefit of the medication, 100 people have to be taking it. That’s a whopping 1% efficacy value. When you take into account the side effects of cholesterol lowering medications the question becomes: Is it worth it?

How can something responsible for so many critical functions be so bad?

1. Cholesterol is a precursor to all sex steroids (progesterone, testosteron, estrogen)
2. Cholesterol allows your body to make vitamin D (deficiency of vitamin D causes heart disease)
3. Cholesterol allows your body to make Coenzyme Q10 (Deficiency of CoQ10 causes congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.)
4. Cholesterol helps fight viral and bacterial infection
5. Cholesterol is necessary for brain cells to form communication synapses.

References: (Not all are listed, but they are available by request.)

1. Rosch PJ. Cholesterol does not cause coronary heart disease in contrast to stress. Scand Cardiovasc J. 2008 Aug;42(4):244-9.
2. Ravnskov U, Rosch PJ, Houston MC. Should we lower cholesterol as much as possible? BMJ2006;332:1330-1332.
3. Ravnskov U. Should medical science ignore the past? BMJ 2008;337:a1681.
4. Krumholz HM, et al. JAMA 1994;272(17):1335-1340.
5. Weverling AW, et al. Lancet 1997;18(9085):1119-23.

Learn More About Cholesterol Drugs and CoQ10…

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Eggs are OK after all!

High Blood Pressure

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Conventional medical treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension) is typically based around prescribing medications.  There are a number of different types of medications, but the most commonly used types are diuretics (water pills), and ACE inhibitors.

Blood Pressure Medications induce vitamin and mineral deficiencies…these deficiencies can cause high blood pressure.

The problem with this approach is that it does not address the actually root cause of the elevation in blood pressure.  Additionally, long term use of blood pressure medications induce deficiencies of zinc, B-Vitamins, CoQ10, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  Long term presence of these deficiencies can actually cause high blood pressure.  Therefore it can be said that the long term medical treatment for high blood pressure actually promotes elevated blood pressure!

Let’s not stop there.  Deficiencies of these nutrients can cause other problems as well.

In the diagram below you can see the consequences of blood pressure medication (diuretics) on the B-Vitamin, Thiamine.  Take note that one of the diseases induced is congestive heart failure.  Are we trying to reduce the risk of heart disease?

Thiamin Deficiency Chart


  • SSRI’s = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (drugs like prozac, lexapro, paxil, etc)
  • NSAIDS = non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (examples include, Celebrox, Naproxen, and Ibuprofen)
  • CFS = chronic fatigue syndrome
  • CHF = congestive heart failure

There are multiple components that contribute to hypertension.  None of these are deficiencies in medications.  So then why do we keep accepting this as a viable long term treatment?

What You Can Do to Reverse and Prevent Blood Pressure Problems:

  1. Stay active – exercise and activity strengthen the heart muscle and improve circulation efficiency.
  2. Avoid smoking – enough said on this topic.
  3. Eat foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium (fresh fruits and vegetables).   It has been proven that diets high in these nutrients keep blood pressure normal and help lower blood pressure in the hypertensive.
  4. See a Board Certified Nutritionist – Often times eating the wrong food is a major culprit in hypertension.  Identifying food allergies and intolerance can help the body restore normal balance and function
  5. Get adequate sleep.  Inadequate sleep has been linked to elevations in blood pressure.Maintaining proper rest is a critical element to controlling stress and staying healthy.
  6. Take time for yourself – Whether it is vacation or just an afternoon away from the fast pace of daily life taking some time off is an effective way to re-energize.
  7. Have your vitamin D levels checked twice per year – Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic in the United States.  Lack of this nutrient has been shown to cause high blood pressure and contribute to diabetes.
  8. Go see a chiropractor – regular chiropractic adjustments help your nervous system communicate with your heart and blood vessels.  New research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can lower blood pressure by as much as 17 points.  Watch the videos below:

Gardasil Dangers & Side Effects

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

If you think that Gardasil is Safe, think again. Below are several news stories about those effected by this controversial vaccine. After watching, ask yourself if it is worth the risk!

CBS Reports: Safety of Gardasil Strongly Questioned. Side effects continue to mount…massive warts, brain disease to seizure disorders…

CNN Reports: Gardasil Causing Autoimmune Disease… To Date more than 9,000 serious side effects reported…

Dr. Peter Osborne, Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of NutritionDr. Osborne’s Comment

Gardasil has been touted as a miracle vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer.  However; no long term studies on the vaccination have been adequately done on the efficacy of the vaccination or on the safety of recommending it.

The powerful ad campaign “one less victim of cervical cancer” is fastly becoming one more victim of the vaccination.  Almost 50 deaths have been reported as being caused by this vaccination to date with more than 15,000 adverse events.  It is suspected that this is a gross underestimation because many do not report adverse events to VAERS (the government group responsible for keeping statistics).

The vaccine comes in three doses.  The cost is about $500.  The sales for Gardasil topped 2 billion in 2008.  Merck has recently pushed through and received  FDA approval for using the vaccination on boys.  Keep in mind that even Merck states that you can still get cervical cancer after being vaccinated.  As a matter of fact, the efficacy (effectiveness) for the vaccine is about 5%.  Than means that only 5%  of those receiving the vaccine will have an improved risk reduction for developing cancer.  So the big question is, why spend $500 dollars on all boys and girls in the country between the ages of 9-16 to reduce the risk in only 5% of them.  Now add the fact that the vaccine can have serious adverse reactions.  As a parent it is your job to weigh the risks vs. the benefits for your child.  I have talked to a number of doctors in private who tell me they will not have their own children vaccinated.

If you have had the vaccine, Be Aware of the side effects:

  • seizures
  • neuropathy (numbness and tingling)
  • shortness of breath
  • rashes
  • muscle aches and pain
  • extreme fatigue

In summary:

  1. Long term safety of the vaccine is not studied.
  2. Safety of the vaccine is not proven.
  3. Efficacy of the drug is not proven.
  4. Side effects are understated and underestimated.
  5. Having boys take the vaccine on top of an already top loaded vaccine schedule is dangerous based on the above facts.

Help me hold the government responsible for our safety by signing this petition!