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Archive for the ‘Blog Posts’ Category
Get in the Best Shape of Your Life!
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011Weight Loss Part of Your Resolution?
Thursday, January 6th, 2011A wonderful thing happens every New Year. People commit to new fitness and weight loss programs as part of their New Year Resolutions. Why is this so wonderful? It increases awareness about the importance of diet and exercise and improves the health of those involved. Unfortunately, most people fall off of the proverbial wagon after the first month or two.
The Problem with Traditional Weight Loss Programs
The problem with many weight loss systems is that they cater to the masses without considering individual need. They use a “one size fits all” approach. This approach works for some but leaves many to ponder why the weight will not come off the way it used to.
Most diet plans are based on Calorie consumption. Not enough thought is given to the quality of the Calories being consumed. For example, there are a number of companies that provide Calorie controlled meals. This concept works well for portion control; however, the quality of the food being used is poor and as the age old adage goes – “You are what you eat.” Chemicals, radiated foods, ultra pasteurization, processing, lack of nutrient density, genetically modified foods, cloned meats, unidentified food intolerances, etc. all taint many of these so called “healthy foods”. Many of these factors can cause internal inflammation when ingested leading to an increased risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and more.
As if that were not bad enough, weight loss is not just about Calories. The concept of the Calorie is based on the amount of heat a food generates when it is burned in a sealed chamber. Although Calorie estimation can be useful, it does not take into consideration the affect that food can have on hormone levels. To make things even more confusing, different foods can affect people’s hormones differently. For example, some people do not tolerate carbohydrates very well. For these individuals, carbs cause excessive insulin production which in turn tells the body to store fat. This can happen even if the individual is not “over eating” on Calories.
Exercise is also a critical and key component for successful weight loss. The common perception is that performing cardiovascular exercise is enough to help a person with weight loss. This concept is not entirely true. Cardio is over rated as a form of exercise. Although it helps tone blood vessels, it does very little for muscle tone. The key to weight loss with exercise programs is achieving adequate lean muscle mass. I am not talking about working out with weights to become Herculean. Many fear that this will happen, but it is just not true. The fact of the matter is that muscle utilizes energy. The more tone your muscles, the more energy your body expends while at rest. Additionally, maintaining solid muscle tone as we age has been shown to increase the life span.
A common problem with exercise is time. People typically do not want to take an hour or more daily to go to a gym and exercise. I recommend The 10 minute rule. Everyone has at least 10 minutes to give to exercise. The key to this rule is that the exercise must be intense. Try the following exercises: push-ups, pull ups, lunges, and squats. Perform two sets of each exercise within a 10 minute time frame. Don’t worry if you can’t perform a lot of repetitions of these exercises when you first get started. The key will be consistency over time. If you do it daily your body will get stronger and build lean muscle mass. As this happens you will notice your clothes fitting better, your energy increasing, your sleep improving, etc. Do not weigh yourself on a scale. As you lose fat, you will gain muscle. Therefore, your weight may not fluctuate down as much as you want it to. Weight is not as important as body composition.
Once Again, Common Sense Applies –
People are different and unique. No one diet is right for everyone. The same can be said for exercise. No one program is right for everyone. If you are having problems with weight loss, know what your options are. You might not be responding for a number of different reasons. Specialized genetic and laboratory testing can help you identify what type of diet and exercise program will work better for you. Put the odds in your favor before you get frustrated with a lack of progress.
Dr. Peter Osborne and Gluten Free Society | Host Gluten Free Meeting
Monday, December 6th, 2010
We will be covering secret exercise techniques to help you build healthy muscle tone and shed those unwanted holiday pounds.
Note: This is a new location for the meeting (please see link above for directions).
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Join us for learning, food and friendship. If you missed the last meeting, you can check it out here…
Health Care Crisis
Friday, October 29th, 2010
When you look at startling health statistics we have below, there’s no doubt in any sane mind that there is a monstrous global health care crisis. When you consider the suffering people are experiencing in mass today due to a lack of well-being, it’s difficult to imagine the burden this would put on a Savior who loved you so much He was willing to die for you.
- As many as five out six Americans die of heart disease and cancer
- 4.5 million have Alzheimer’s—a number that has doubled in the last two decades1
- 118 million 2 antidepressants are prescribed each year for some 57 million 3 people with mental disorders
- 61 percent of American adults and one billion worldwide are overweight.
Mental health conditions are so bad currently that ordinary children today are more fearful than psychiatric patients were in the 1950s. Autism, a severe neurodevelopment disorder impacts as many as 1 in 68 children, 1 in 35 if you’re a boy 6 (Conservative number is 1 in110 children and 1 in 70 boys).
Circumstances have declined to the point that for the first time in history, this generation of children will experience shorter life expectancies than their parents.
When the majority of people succumb to the same or similar severe health problems, you no longer have a “person issue,” instead you have a system that is just profoundly broken. While some would say “better diagnosis” explains the incline in disease – it’s simply untrue. The skyrocketing increase in the sheer numbers of sick people is to staggering to write off as anything other than a radical decline in well-being. When the culture stops working out for you, it’s time to stop conforming to the culture of this world and participate in a better one!
Isn’t it time for a new health care system?
There’s a power in your body that prevents you from getting sick, heals you if you are, gets you well and keeps you well for the rest of your life. Please get involved and stop participating in the crisis and a system that doesn’t work!
Healthy Weight Loss Approach – Hormones Holding You Back?
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Here’s the thing about hunger. Hunger isn’t influenced by willpower as much as it is influenced by hormones. Two major hormones, ghrelin and leptin, influence your cravings. Leptin is a hormone produced by your fat cells, which tells your body that you are full. Ghrelin is responsible for telling you that your body is hungry. These two hormones have to be in constant neurological balance for you to know when you are truly hungry and when its time to put down the fork.
Chemicals in these “weight-loss foods” can even cause us to get fat. Many diet foods are laden with artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. Just recently the Corn Refiners Association petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to rename high fructose corn syrup to “corn sugar” in an effort to persuade the public into thinking it is a natural product. Don’t be fooled! These poisons will actually remain in the body and interfere with the sensors that react to leptin. The overall effect of this is constant hunger, even if your body’s needs have already been met.