A new study highlights the dangers of drinking tap water without proper filtration. Exposure to hormones, blood pressure medications, cholesterol drugs, estrogen, anti-depressants, and more were found upon analysis of the water of major U.S. Cities…
Archive for the ‘Blog Posts’ Category
Prescription Drugs in Your Drinking Water!
Friday, October 22nd, 2010Should you get the flu shot?
Friday, October 15th, 2010
Recently, study after study is coming out revealing serious concerns over the safety of these flu vaccinations, the lack of any long term safety studies, and whether or not these shots are even helpful at all. In fact, while malls, supermarkets, drug stores, businesses, radio station campaigns, and even places catering to children are promoting flu shots for P.R. or as a publicity stunt, fewer and fewer doctors are advocating them —and even less are getting the shots themselves….. Here’s what you should know.
Flu Shots Contain Toxic Agents Flu shots can contain anything from aluminum, formaldehyde, microorganisms, thimerosal (mercury), ethylene glycol, and other toxic substances that are dangerous at any dose and deadly if at high doses. In addition to these substances, the flu vaccine is prepared from the fluids of chicken embryos inoculated with the specific type (s) of influenza virus that supposedly protects against the strains believed to be the most likely to be prevalent during that particular flu season. Reports over the last few years, however, have uncovered that the strains in the vaccine are typically not the strains present for that season. Not very encouraging considering the potential health dangers you’re opening yourself and children to from these toxic chemicals.
The flu can be deadly. In fact, building and maintaining immunity to unwanted infection, flu, cancer, and other infectious disease is always a critical matter in all seasons. Yet, the human body can not build healthy immunity by being exposed to neurotoxic poisons like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and DNA from animals. Mercury is the second most toxic material on earth after radioactive plutonium.
To make thimerosal, you start with elemental mercury and then ramp it up 1,000 times when you convert it to ethyl mercury. Aluminum is then added to the vaccine which has a multiplying effect on the mercury. This causes the mercury to be 10,000 times more toxic than elemental mercury. Formaldehyde is classified as a toxic, colorless, water-soluble gas having a suffocating odor known mostly as embalming fluid. It’s used in vaccines as a disinfectant and preservative. There are no long-term safety studies that vaccine manufacturers can draw from to validate the effectiveness of the flu shot. In fact, a leading immuno-geneticist showed that if an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970-1980(the years studies) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease is 10 times higher than if they had 1,2 or no shots. The cause of this is thought to be the gradual build up of mercury and aluminum in the brain causing cognitive dysfunction (brain damage).
With influenza, by the time the virus is isolated, cultured for manufacture, and distributed to the population, the virus that is causing the current incidence of influenza has usually changed to a form completely unaffected by the vaccine. Michael Decker, MD of Aventis, the flu vaccine manufacturer admits: ‘By the time you know what’s the right strain, you can’t do anything about it.’ “ A recent report points out that potential confusion between respiratory infections caused by influenza viruses and those caused by non-influenza viruses can result in misdiagnosis and gross overestimation of the true impact of influenza on death and illness in a given influenza season. Therefore, the scare that’s been created about the flu has been exaggerated to some degree. The flu shot, once marketed to the elderly and those with weakened immunity only, is now being recommended for all. Looking at the research and using common sense regarding health, the only conclusion one can draw is that there simply wasn’t enough money to be made by selling to this select market.
Is It Right For Your Kids? Oct. 31, 2006 — An independent analysis by the internationally renowned Cochrane Collaboration of worldwide influenza vaccine studies, published in the British Medical Journal on Oct. 28, concluded there is little scientific proof that flu vaccine is safe and effective for children and adults. Citing the Cochrane Collaboration finding as well as methodological flaws in a child influenza vaccine study published Oct. 25 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the National Vaccine Information Center is calling on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to stop recommending annual flu shots for all infants and children until methodologically sound studies are conducted.
“There is a big gap between policies promoting annual influenza vaccinations for most children and adults and supporting scientific evidence,” said epidemiologist Tom Jefferson, Cochrane Vaccines Field, Rome, Italy, who coordinated the comprehensive analysis for the prestigious Cochrane Collaboration.
Does It Work On Anyone? The Cochrane Collaboration analysis also concluded that there is no real evidence that the use of inactivated influenza vaccine has any real effect on preventing influenza. This was backed up in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, which stated that the flu vaccine is effective as little as 30% of the time. Impact On Immunity Additional reasoning for flu shot hazards and their ineffectiveness is that vaccines bypass the natural defensive capabilities of the liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, and the immune system and deliver toxic waste directly into the body. Your body doesn’t know what to do with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, chicken embryos, and microorganisms when they’re dropped right into the blood stream.
Guillain-Barré, autism, temporary Multiple Sclerosis-like illness, breathing problems, hoarseness, wheezing, hives, paleness, dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, and death have all been reported as side effects from the flu shot. Not to mention that many people who receive the flu shot immediately get the flu….
Your immune system is the only thing that prevents you from being overcome by infection and a host of other chronic illnesses. Therefore, supporting and enhancing it – not manipulating it -is extremely important. Helping the immune system means you don’t just boost one or two components. There are 22 different instruments or components to the immune system including T-cells, B-cells, Natural Killer cells (NK cells), macrophages, lymphocytes, leukocytes, monocytes, interferon, gamma globulin, interleukin 1,2,3,4, and other white blood cells. All components must be orchestrated properly and simultaneously, in order to encourage optimum immunity. By definition, you can’t build immunity and shield the immune system with vaccines and poisonous pharmaceutical drugs. You can only help immune system function through a healthy lifestyle that supports immune function. People are dying from the flu not because they didn’t get their annual flu shot, but because they are already sick and have compromised immune systems. Therefore, the ultimate treatment for the flu is active prevention. Active prevention entails a healthy lifestyle year round and not just during the “Flu season.”
This includes:
Many studies show a substantial boost in immune function with a Chiropractic adjustment. Eating right by obtaining adequate nutrients from your diet without over-toxifying yourself from your dietExercising: Although tough to acquire in today’s sedentary world, some level of physical activity is necessary on a daily basis.Getting adequate sleep: The average American gets 365 hours too little sleep/year.Addressing stressors that effect your spine, mind, and musclesIf you do this, your immune system will be strong and functioning where it is naturally supposed to. Eating a junk food diet, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and burdening yourself with little sleep and unresolved physical and emotional stress will only serve to bring your immune system down, where it will be of little protection.
Our patients take a pro-active role in their life and health. Medical science may have some benefit, but nothing benefits you like taking good care of yourself.
BMJ, Oct. 28, 2006
Cochrane Study, Oct. 31, 2006
The Lancet, Sept. 23, 2005
Genetic modification of wheat responsible for increase in gluten sensitivity
Friday, September 24th, 2010New research claims that the toxicity of wheat gluten potentially worsened by cross breeding different strains…
suggests that modern wheat breeding practices may have led to an increased exposure to CD epitopes
Theor Appl Genet. 2010 Jul 28.
Recent research from across the globe shows a prevalence toward the increase in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. We know the problem is growing. The big question on every one’s mind is – WHY? The following is a list of some of the potential possibilities.
- Genetic manipulation of grains – no long term research has been done on safety, yet we assume these foods are OK contrary to common sense. Many studies show these foods to be dangerous.
- The pervasive use of grains in the food supply. Almost all packaged foods contains grain either as a main ingredient or an agent to alter food texture, viscosity, etc. More grain exposure = more people reacting to grain.
- The use of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, etc. Much like genetically modified foods, these chemicals are used under the assumption that they are safe.
- Over use of antibiotics. Although life saving if one has a bacterial infection, the over utilization of these drugs contributes to a change in the normal healthy gut flora thus weakening the immune system. Additionally, we feed them to chickens, pigs, cows, and fish that are being raised for human food consumption.
- Anti-acid medications. Nexium, Tums, Prilosec, Rolaids, and more, these drugs suppress acid in the stomach. Acid suppression weakens the immune system and leads to wide spread malabsorption of nutrients.
- Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS). These medications contribute to the destruction of the gastric and intestinal lining thus weakening immunity and predisposing one to intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome)
- Medications in general. Many OTC and prescription medications contain grain based adhesives. Sick from gluten? Take this pill (with gluten in it) and you will get better?!?
- Grain is cheap food. The government subsidizes grain making it much less expensive to use as a staple food.
- Commercialization. Everywhere you look, there is a billboard, TV commercial, nutritionist, Food Guide Pyramid, etc telling us how healthy whole grains are.
- Degradation of the eduction system. Public schools focus on teaching students how to pass standardized tests. Nutrition and physical education are given minimal time in the classroom. Many of those teaching nutrition do not lead by example thus devaluing the lesson. The nutrition basics taught focus on a Food Guide Pyramid based in grain.
Genetically Modified Salmon on Your Plate?
Friday, September 24th, 2010The AquAdvantage salmon, a cross on the traditional Atlantic salmon, was created using a genetic cocktail of genomes taken from other fish – a gene from the ocean pout that prevents freezing and a growth gene from the Chinook salmon for faster growing speeds than regular Atlantic salmon. Engineered by Massachusetts-based AquaBounty, the fish are claimed to be safe for people to eat by the company – and now, by the FDA.
Source: Washington Post
- Hydrogenated fats (trans fat)
- Saccharin (Sweet n low)
- Aspartame (Nutrasweet)
- High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
- Genetically modified wheat
I all of the cases above, time and human guinea pigs have proven that these artificial man made items have extremely detrimental effects on human health. Trans fats are known to cause and increased risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. Before science revealed these facts, people were told to replace healthy animal fats, cooking oils, and butter with these highly processed oils.
Saccharin and aspartame are artificial sweeteners. We were told that using these sugar substitutes would lead to weight loss and reduced risk of diabetes. Now we know that these chemicals can cause cancer, contribute to nerve damage, cause migraine headaches, and more.
High fructose corn syrup was touted as a safe natural sweetener. Many products use this instead of sugar. The truth is, HFCS contributes to diabetes, obesity, liver damage, hypertriglyceridemia, cancer, headaches, and more.
Genetically modified wheat is responsible for the increasing prevalence of gluten sensitivity.
Contact your local senator and representative today. Let them know to stop the madness. Let’s bring good nutrition back to America.
You can find healthy non genetically modified, mercury free salmon here…
Depression Resolved with Diet Changes
Sunday, July 25th, 2010If you or a loved one suffer with depression, please watch this video. A small change in diet is sometimes all that is necessary to overcome this problem. Remember, food can have drug like effects…sometimes these side effects make us very ill…
Want to learn more about gluten and its impact on human health and disease?