Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

Home Exercise Programs

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Home exercise programs for the busy lifestyleI recently met up with two of the top exercise – fitness instructors in the world.  They were both kind enough to offer my patients a special discount on their well renowned workout programs.

If you don’t have time to join our boot camp, click on one of the following links to access quick home workouts that will allow you to take your physical health to the next level.

For Men Go Here…

For Women Go Here…

In good health,

Dr. Osborne

Free Personal Trainer

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

No More Exercise Excuses…  Your personal training is on me.  Just show up at the following address on Saturday at 1 pm.   Yes, every Saturday you get a free personal trainer!

DuFour Dance Studio on Highway 6.  The address is:

3410 Highway 6 Suite A

Sugar Land, TX 77478

All we ask that you do is RSVP to Patricia at 281-240-2229.


If  you cannot make the boot camp, go here now…

Food Inflammation May Be Causing Your Arthritis

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Most, doctors specializing in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, and autoimmune diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system never even consider diet as an important factor in the development of these conditions. I was formally trained in rheumatology at the VA hospital in Houston, TX, and I can say that diet and nutritional recommendations to patients were discouraged and in most cases frowned upon by our attending physicians. It was actually this experience that prompted me to dig deeper into the connection between autoimmune disease and food.

Over the past 10 years, I have treated thousands of patients with arthritic conditions. The most single effective therapies have always been diet and exercise. The paradox with exercise… It is harder to stick to if it flares up the arthritis. The problem with food…everyone reacts uniquely based on their own unique chemistry. But it only makes sense that if drugs can target inflammation as a treatment, why can’t food. After all, isn’t food a drug of sorts?

Prescription Drugs for Pain Don’t Solve the Problem

Drugs only mask inflammation, they do not correct the source.  Many pain meds also cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  This side effect can prevent long term healing.   For example, NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause folic acid and vitamin C deficiency.  Both of these vitamins are crucial for the body to be able to repair damaged cartilage, joints, tendons, and ligaments.  See the diagram below:

I have found that medical research greatly supports this connection, but more importantly, I have found that patients get better after eliminating inflammatory foods from their diets. What foods should we avoid to help recover from arthritis? Depends on the person. Everyone is unique.

Fox News recently interviewed me on this very complex topic. You can watch the interview below. If you think that the information will benefit someone (including your doctor), please share it.

Some Foods Can Make Arthritis Worse:

Forms of Arthritis That Benefit With Diet Changes:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • spondyloarthritis
  • psoriatic
  • reactive arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scleroderma
  • Myofascitis
  • Dermatomyositis

Boot Camp

Monday, April 25th, 2011

Hello all,
How would you like to lose weight, boost your metabolism, and tone your entire body faster than you ever thought possible? And how would you like accomplish all this in a fun, motivating and supportive atmosphere?

I know this sounds like a bold claim to make, but just indulge me for a moment, okay? I am Dr. Peter Osborne. I am a Nationally recognized nutritional expert and the clinical director of Town Center Wellness, P.A. You might have heard of me or even seen me in ads in the local papers, community publications or even my multiple appearances on TV and the news.

That’s me on Fox News…

See, while I’m proud to say that my office is one of the top nutritional and functional medicine clinics in the world, I’m even more proud to say that in my 10 plus years in practice, I have been a part of helping people just like you achieve some amazing results and lose hundreds and even thousands of pounds. (And that is not an exaggeration.) To date, all of this has been accomplished without any formal exercise program.

This man lost over 50 pounds without formal exercise instruction…

With my dietary advice, Lisa lost just as much…

Impressive Results Dr. O… Yeah, I guess

Imagine if we would have implemented formal exercise into Jesus and Lisa’s lifestyle.  The results would probably have been ever more profound…

But no matter how impressive, I know that there are still thousands of Sugar Land, Houston, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg, Katy, and Stafford residents looking to restore their health, lose weight and get in shape without all of the fad supplement and diet & exercise trends.

The #1 exercise excuse I hear from my patients is “I don’t have enough time…” After speaking to a colleague of mine in California (Nationally Recognized Fitness Expert – Josh Carter), I decided to implement a boot camp program similar to the one he created.
To Deliver Twice the Results in Half the Time..

Here are some examples from Josh’s clients…

(Be sure to keep reading to see why short burst intense exercise is so effective at igniting your metabolism. I’ll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with how long you workout.)

Time is the Problem

Much of life comes down to time. We never seem to have enough time to do everything that we need to do.

* Time for Work
* Time for the Kids
* Time for the Spouse
* Time for Sleep
* Time for you?

Life is always pulling us in different directions and even getting a single hour to ourselves becomes all but impossible.

What a Nightmare!

So I think we can agree that if time were unlimited, life would be a lot simpler. I have often thought that if I just didn’t need to sleep I would have time for everything I needed to do. But that theory is obviously flawed…

But there is a solution: SO KEEP READING ===>>>

The Solution

So when it hit me that time was the problem I had an “Ah ha!” moment.

Time was not only the problem, it was in fact the solution!

(Stay with me here….)

Since time is such a precious commodity, what if we implemented a program like Josh’s in our office (taking 60 minutes worth of fitness and fat loss personal training and cramming it into 30 minutes)?

What happened in Josh’s Studio Can Happen in My Office…

I’ll tell you what happened to his clients – RESULTS SKYROCKETED!!!

Pounds were melting off….

Strength was going through the roof…

Energy levels were climbing…

This not only happened with his new personal training clients but ones that had been training with other personal trainers and had plateau.

How Does Our Boot Camp Program Work?

This program is a specialized personal training program that specializes in delivering twice the results in half the time of conventional programs. Let me say that again…

Twice the Results in Half The Time

Each workout lasts only about 30 minutes yet delivers the results where other programs lasting several times longer don’t. This is a no-nonsense approach that uses the latest fat loss techniques coupled with an “Old School” mentality to give you the body and health of your dreams.

  • Firmer arms, legs, thighs, and buttocks
  • Increased strength, energy, and stamina
  • Faster metabolism to burn more fat at rest
  • Tighter, flatter abs – means smaller waist
  • 4-12 pounds of weight loss
  • 3-6% decrease in body fat
  • Look and feel ten years younger
  • Increased muscle tone and flexibility
  • Greater confidence and self-esteem
  • Decreased stress, tension, and anxiety
  • Increased sense of overall well being
  • Reduce cravings for fats, sugars, and junk foods
  • Sleep better and increase productivity
  • Decrease back pain and discomfort
  • Lose the uncomfortable “bloated” feeling
  • Look and feel better in your favorite clothes


Is it hard? Yes.
Will you sweat? Yes.
Will you be sore? Yes. (only at first though)
Will you love it? Yes.

Now is the time to take action. Telling yourself that you will wait till Monday is a lie. Monday will never come. Take Action NOW…

Classes are filling up fast – We currently have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 and 6 pm available…

Three Month Program Available Here (more expensive)

Six Month Program Available Here (less expensive)

You can call 281-240-2229 for family group discounts.  Ask for Patricia.

Dr. Osborne Interviewed about Vitamin D by Peoples Pharmacy

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Recently, Dr. Osborne was interviewed on the Good Health Radio show by Bill Swail of Peoples Pharmacy in Austin.  Cancer, exercise, vitamin D, and more are discussed.  You can listen to the full interview here (the show is long – Dr. Osborne starts at 1:19:25 but the whole show is a good one):