Archive for the ‘Blog Posts’ Category

The Great “Fat is Bad” Myth Debunked

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Fat is Good –

Eating fatty foods does not make one unhealthy or obese.

Depriving your body of fat can have serious detrimental effects to its function.  Your brain, your nervous system, your hormones, and the cell walls of your body are made from healthy fats.  Therefore, for your body to function at its optimal level, you need to replenish your body with a good source of FAT in your diet.  Key word  – GOOD!

Over the last 20 years, the “low-fat” “no fat”  products have been promoted heavily by commercials and doctors alike as heart healthy choices.  These products have taken over the shelves at the grocery store.  From milk and yogurt to candy (yes that’s right, candy) people have been  manipulated  into thinking that if it’s “low fat or no fat” this will help lower their cholesterol, reduce their risk of heart disease, and help them lose weight.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Recent research from the journal Behavioral Neuroscience found that fat substitutes can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate food intake which leads to inefficient use of calories and weight gain.

Fat is an Essential Nutrient –

What most people don’t know, including many doctors, is that Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and Vitamin E are fats.   Eating low fat reduces the intake of these important essential nutrients.  Additionally, the omega 3 fats are essential to the human body and can only be found in healthy fat containing foods.  What does that mean?  Without these fats, your body cannot sustain normal function.

Fat Does Not Cause Heart Disease –

The medical community has falsely placed blame on fats and lipids as a cause of heart disease.  What they don’t tell you is that the only type of fat that contributes to heart disease is man made chemical fats – These are known as Hydrogenated Fats. These lipids are commonly referred to as saturated fats.  It should be know however, that not all saturated fats are hydrogenated, and not all saturated fats are bad for you.  Only the man made ones.   Hydrogenated fats are not found in nature.  They are made by chemically forcing a hydrogen molecule into vegetable oils using a toxic metal catalyst.  These types of fats are commonly used as a preservative.  Common products with hydrogenated oils are:

  • Peanut butter
  • Crackers
  • Margarine and other butter substitutes
  • Cake icing
  • Chewy candies (Starburst, Skittles)
  • Processed baked goods (cakes, cookies, etc)

Hydrogenated fats are known to increase obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic inflammatory conditions.  So we can safely say that the “skinny” on this chemically created fake food is that it will make you fat and sick.  To the contrary, diets rich in natural omega 3 fats are known to reduce inflammation, pain, reduce the risk of heart disease, lower LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol, and reduce triglycerides.

Eating Low Fat is Not Healthy –

Not only does eating a “low-fat” diet deprive your body of essential nutrients (listed above), but it doesn’t lead to the weight loss you want.  In 2009, a study showed 645 obese patients who used a low-fat diet had NO CHANGE in waist circumference.

Don’t get drawn into the trap that man-made and man-altered products are better and healthier for your body than the food that God has provided.   Take a lesson from the past – Margarine, olestra (this one causes anal leakage), saccharin, aspartame, and sugared up cereals were (and in some cases still are) promoted as healthy and safe alternative foods, yet the scientific and social evidence would say otherwise.

Good Sources of Healthy Fats –

Common Sense Must Win in the End

If you need to lose weight and restore your health, you have to follow these simple principles:

  • Exercises regularly (walking is not exercise)
  • Don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle
  • Eat Real Food!

If you doubt that low fat diets work, all you have to do is look around you.  We are surrounded by people who buy and consume low fat, no fat, and reduced Calorie products on a regular basis.  If these foods work, why is America so obese?


1. Susan E. Swithers et al.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 2011; 125 (4).
2. Anthony A. Bavry, M.D., M.P.H. and Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D., F.A.C.C. Comparison of Weight-Loss Diets With Different Compositions of Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates. American College of Cardiology Cardiosource, 2009.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic  care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.

Migraine Headaches, Severe Fatigue, & Vision Problems Resolved

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Recently, a patient of mine was kind enough to share her health success story with us.  She was suffering with migraine headaches, vision disturbance, poor sleep, and stomach upset.  After identifying the origin of her problems, she is on the road to a full recovery.  Watch her story below…

Migraine headaches often times have a food based trigger.  Common food triggers include:

  • Gluten
  • Coffee (caffeine)
  • Dairy
  • Wine (sulfites)
  • Processed meats (nitrates)
  • Aspartame (Nutrasweet)
  • Soy

Nutritional Deficiencies can also contribute to this disorder.  Common nutrient deficiencies linked to headache include:

In addition to food and nutritional triggers, bright light, lack of sleep, muscular and skeletal imbalances, and intense stress can also bring on this condition.

Unfortunately, most doctors fail to investigate food allergies,  nutritional deficiencies, or musculoskeletal problems in their patients.  If you suffer with migraine headaches, and your doctor refuses to properly address these issues, look for a functional medicine doctor who will.  As in Haley’s case (above), the answer might be on your dinner plate, not in a pill bottle.

If you know someone who could benefit from this testimonial, please share it with them by using the facebook share button above.  Together, we can reach and help more people.

Learn more about headache treatment options here…

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his clinic at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.  You can view more patient testimonials here…

Pink Washing For Profit

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Beware the Pink Washers

A new article in the journal, Environmental Justice, sheds light on this new profit building trend.  What is it?  Companies that try to increase sales of their products by adopting the color pink and pink ribbons to imply that they support breast cancer research  but at the same time permit the use of chemicals shown to cause cancer.  This practice is unethical and shameful to say the least.

Sales are often times boosted as a result of the Pink Ribbon on the package.  However; if the product contains chemicals that are known to contribute to cancer, who wins?  Ultimately, this practice puts you under the false impression that you are supporting a cause while simultaneously you are being provided with a product that contributes to the development of the disease you are socially  fighting against.

Questions To Consider

Before being Pinkwashed consider asking the following questions:

  • Does the product contribute to cancer?
  • How much of the purchase price is actually donated to fund cancer research?
  • Is the funding contributing to drug developments or prevention education?

Products to Be Wary OF

  • Cosmetics
  • Companies that sell packaged foods (especially those containing plastic packaging)
  • Chemical companies (especially petrochemicals as they are known to contribute to breast cancer)
  • Companies that sell products with added sugars


Environmental Justice. June 2011, 4(2): 139-144.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic  care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.

Sitting Leads To More Than Just Back Pain

Monday, July 11th, 2011

No, not baby sitting.  I am talking about the sedentary kind when the gluteal muscles are at rest.

Your body is designed to move. Unfortunately, we spend far less time moving than we do sitting at a desk, in a car, on the couch, at the dinner table, etc.

Chronic Sitting Syndrome (CSS)

I just created a new disease name :).  In all seriousness, let’s take a look at some statistics on the impact of sitting and our modern lifestyles:

  • We are now averaging 9.3 hours sitting down per day.
  • Sitting increases our risk of death up to 40%.
  • Sitting makes us fat.
  • Sitting increases the risk for back pain.
  • Sitting increases the risk for neck pain.
  • Sitting increases the risk for shoulder problems.
  • Obese people sit for 2.5 more hours per day than thin people.
  • People with sitting jobs have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease as people with standing jobs.
  • Those who sit 3+ hours per day on the couch watching TV are 64% more likely to die from heart disease.
  • The recommended 30 minutes per day of physical activity is not enough to counteract 8 hours of sitting each day at our jobs. You must interrupt sittinng

If we sit for 9 plus hours and sleep for 6-8, that only leaves about 8 hours when we actually use our legs and feet.  Remember the old adage, “Use it or Lose it”?  Seems that many of us don’t.  Lack of activity causes your muscles to shrink and become tighter, causes bone loss, changes your hormone levels, and a lot of other very health deteriorating effects. When you think about it, it is like we are actually training to be fat and sick.

Check out the following stats and information on sitting:

What Can You Do to Offset So Much Keister Time?

First of all, get up and walk frequently.  If you work a desk job, set up a pop up reminder on your computer to take a break and go for a short walk.  Do this frequently through out the day (at least hourly).  Use stairs instead of elevators. Take periodic stretch breaks, do jumping jacks, walk to the break room or water cooler frequently.  Put a balance discs in your chair.  People have a tendency to get sucked into their work.  There are computer programs that can lock you out at set intervals.  I recommend implementing this strategy, or you will end up sitting all day despite good intentions not to.

Get with your co-workers and bosses.  Odds are they have the same problem.  Back pain is the second most common reason people visit a doctor. If you can establish a group mentality on this issue, you will not be ridiculed, looked at weird, or made fun of.  Remember the triangle of health? The physical side of the triangle plays a huge role in whether or not one remains healthy.  Too much sitting will disrupt the entire triangle and make achieving good health impossible.

Need stretching ideas?  Check out our stretching and exercise video section…

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic  care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact  his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly  treats patients from across  the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the  Greater Houston  area.

Good Sleep Habits = Good Health

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Lack of sleep is one of the most detrimental components to our health.  In the U.S., sleep apnea, insomnia, and other sleep disorders are a major contributing factor to diseases.  Lack of sleep has been linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and much much more.  In this video, Dr. Osborne discusses the importance of adequate rest, how sleep hormonal regulation works, why modern technology can cause deprivation, and the importance of sunshine.

Sleep disorders affect more than 70 million Americans.  Most of these problems can be resolved with intelligent and customized lifestyle changes.  Unfortunately, many doctors do not typically discuss these parameters with their patients.  The prescription pad is too often a first line of treatment.  The drugs account for more than 20 billion dollars annually in sales.

If you have been prescribed medications and still suffer with this problem, consider implementing  the strategies discussed in the video above.  If you still have problems beyond implementing these lifestyle changes seek a functional medicine doctor’s assistance.  Functional medicine doctors focus more on the causes and origins of disease vs. treating symptoms.

Dr. Osborne is a world renowned health expert (Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractor, Founder of Gluten Free Society, Author, and more).  His office, Town Center Wellness,  is located just outside of Houston, TX in Sugar Land.  If you would like to schedule a consultation, please call 281-240-2229.