Posts Tagged ‘food’

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Friday, October 23rd, 2009
NOTE:  The following condensed illustrates various far-reaching, comprehensive research studies pertaining to the top 10 antioxidant and nutrient rich foods that help reduce sciatica and back pain.
Research indicates that diet and nutrition are fundamental to our existence and the quality of that existence. Diet has a cumulative effect on our bodies—to fuel it or harm it. Bad nutrition leads to conditions such as obesity, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, sciatica and additional chronic pain. Empowering yourself with the facts and utilizing a proper nutritional balance will help to strengthen muscles and tissues awhile shedding unnecessary weight that contributes to a large majority of sciatica and back pain.
Eating the right food is key to maintaining optimum health. Over 9000 scientific studies have been conducted to document the effects of different types of food on our health and the conclusion that food is actually our best medicine! According to Jean Carper, a best selling author and contributing editor to USA Weekend health section, science has proven that the top ten foods make you healthier and help you live longer. Natural substances may also fight nerve damage.
A Johns Hopkins animal study suggests that a protective natural substance reduces pinched nerve damage and speeds recovery of the injured nerves. The finding may help to develop a treatment for sciatica and other common nerve injuries in people. The sciatic nerve, the body’s largest nerve, was compressed in a large group of rats to stop most of the blood flow through the nerve. The study’s results showed the nerve suffered less damage and recovered faster in those animals given an antioxidant called deferoxamine. Antioxidants protect the body against oxygen containing molecules called free-radicals, which damage tissues. Stopping blood flow to tissues causes’ damage, but restoring blood flow unleashes a flood of oxygen that can cause further damage. The results are published in the April 5 issue of Annals of Plastic Surgery.
These findings suggest that this antioxidant protects the nerve from injury when blood circulation stops and restarts and yields a quick recovery from peripheral nerve compression injury,” says Kyle D. Bickel, a study co-author and an assistant professor of plastic surgery and orthopedic surgery. The Hopkins team tested the nerve tissue, in part, for malondialdehyde, a potentially damaging oxygen molecule that the scientists recently found to be a reliable indicator of tissue damage and recovery. Deferoxamine has been shown to reduce damage from blood flow stopping and restarting in other organs, including the heart, skeletal muscle and spinal cord.
This study is believed to be the first time that deferoxamine has been shown to protect a peripheral nerve or a nerve that connects the brain or spinal cord to distant parts of the body. Sudden or long-term compression of peripheral nerves in humans often is caused by slipped discs, fractures, dislocations, tumors and clots and other problems.
Consuming nutrient rich antioxidant foods help strengthen and heal sciatica and back pain associated with muscles, nerves and weight.
Antioxidants help prevent sciatica and back pain associated with muscle and nerves and weight, heart disease and cancer, reduce blood pressure and slow the effects of aging. These naturally occurring compounds protect the body from harmful, excess free radicals, sweeping them up before they can cause damage. And the best way to lay an antioxidant-rich foundation that’s inhospitable to toxins and free radicals is through a combination of whole foods rich in antioxidants: Berries, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Red Grapes, Garlic, Spinach, Tea-Green or Black, Carrots, Soy and Whole Grains.
Choose several daily servings of fresh fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Calcium and magnesium rich foods help to build strong spinal columns. Avoid Saturated and Trans fats found in fast, fried foods. Instead eat more omega 3 fats from flax products, walnuts and small ocean fish for healthy spinal joints. Choose high quality protein foods. Avoid refined sweets. Eating in a relaxed atmosphere enhances digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
Twenty-four hundred years ago, Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine” said, “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.” Today, there is overwhelming scientific evidence to suggest that Hippocrates was right on the mark!

strawberriesFoods That Heal Back Pain

Common sense and scientific research indicates that diet and nutrition are fundamental to our health and vitality.  Dietary choices have both the ability to harm as well as to nourish the body.  Bad nutrition leads to conditions such as obesity, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, sciatica and as well as chronic pain syndromes.  Empowering yourself with the facts and maintaining proper nutritional balance helps to strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints while shedding unnecessary weight that contributes to a large majority of sciatica and back pain.
  1. Pineapple – Pineapple contains a host of very powerful antiinflammatory enzymes that help the body heal.  When choosing this food make sure you buy it fresh.  The natural enzymes are not present in canned pineapple.  Make sure you buy organic.  Chemical pesticides can reduce the nutrient value of the food and contribute to chronic disease.
  2. Berries – Strawberries, raspberries, blue berries, acai berries, cranberries, and blackberries contain powerful phytonutrient antioxidants that help the body control inflammation and enhance the immune systems ability to aid in healing.  Make sure you are buying organic to avoid chemical residues and pesticides.
  3. Green Tea – green tea contains several types of flavonoids and polyphenols that act as antioxidants.  Green tea helps the body to detoxify toxic compounds.  This process helps your cells protect the DNA from free radical damage.  Drink 2-3 glasses of tea daily to achieve a therapeutic effect.
  4. Beef – Yes you read that correctly!  Beef has had a bad rap because of saturated fats.  You must understand that not all beef is created equally.  Corn fed beef (which is what most people buy in the grocery store) is very high in saturated fat and toxic chemicals.  Cows on feed lots typically eat chemically laden corn.  How can you expect to get healthy when eating such an unhealthy animal.  Look for Grass Fed Beef.  When grass fed, beef is very healthy, contains very little saturated fat, and is rich in nutrients.  Grass fed beef is rich in CLA, a powerful fat that helps the body metabolize fat and lose weight.  I recommend getting grass fed beef from here.
  5. Tumeric – is a natural spice commonly used in Eastern cuisine.  It contains a very powerful anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin.  Liberal use of this spice in cooking can be of great benefit for those with chronic pain.  The anti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects of curcumin have been well studied making this natural compound one of natures strongest aids for pain.
  6. Garlic – This powerful allium vegetable provides strong antiinflammatory compounds.  Garlic has been wildly researched to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer, and improve lymphatic flow.  Using garlic liberally when cooking will provide your body with great benefit.
  7. Ginger – Ginger is a root that has traditionally been used to help relieve nausea, indigestion, and heart irregularities.  It has been well researched and is a powerful antiinflammatory food.  It works by blocking the enzyme cyclo oxygenase (COX).  This is the same mechanism of action as commonly prescribed pain medications use.
  8. Cold Water Fish – This type of fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids.  New research shows that the use of EPA and DHA (natural compounds found in fish) reduces pain and inflammation more effectively than prescription NSAID pain medications.  Because of polluted waters, these fish can be high in toxic metals like mercury.  That is why I recommend Omega Heal as a dietary supplement or get your fish from here. This company tests their fish for toxins before selling them.
  9. Water – 66% of your body is composed of water.  Even low grade chronic dehydration can contribute to a sluggish metabolism and cause a number of problems.  Lack of water contributes to chronic muscle spasm, and increased blood viscosity.  Both contribute to poor healing and inflammation.  As a general rule of thumb, you should drink enough water so that you are having to urinate at least 3-4 times per day.
Twenty-four hundred years ago, Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine” said, “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.”

Modern medicine today would have you believe that pills with foreign chemicals should be your medicine.  Don’t underestimate the power of food to help you heal.

Genetically modified foods

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Think Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods are Safe?  Think again…

Studies have linked genetically modified foods to a host of different  problems including allergy, cancers, infertility, bowel dysfunction, immune dysfunction, environmental trauma, and death.  Author Jeffrey Smith is an expert on the topic.  His book, Seeds of Deception, discusses the science behind the catastrophic detriments of genetically modified foods to human health and the environment.

Organic Gardening Important For Your Future Health

Growing your own organic garden may be the route you need to take in the future to protect yourself from the unethical alteration of our commercial food supply.  If you are new to this concept, the following is a great resource on the topic …

==>> Click Here For More Information <<==

Dr. Peter Osborne, Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of NutritionDr. Osborne’s Comment

Folks, this is some scary stuff!  If you need any more reasons to buy or grow organic foods this is it.

Genetically modified foods are common place in your local grocery store.  The most common genetically modified foods include:

  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Canola
  • Cottonseed (oil)

Items commonly made from these oils include maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, and modified food starch.  These items are found in thousands of packaged food items including  chocolate, cereals, ketchup, mayonnaise, packaged gravy and salad dressings, soft drinks, canned fruits, and more.  As a matter of fact, 75% of all packaged foods have some form of GMO ingredient.   Common GMO foods include:

  • Nutrasweet (aspartame)
  • Zucchini or crook neck squash
  • Papaya
  • Milk that contains rbGH
  • Rennet (a genetically modified enzyme used to make hard cheeses)

The problem with GMO foods is that they have been shown to be allergenic, carcinogenic (cancer causing), and toxic.  Studies in lab animals have shown the following:

  • When given the choice, animals avoided GMO foods for real food
  • Animals developed lung damage, cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, and more after eating GMO foods.

Many GMO foods are made by taking viral DNA and incorporating it into the DNA of the plant.

Studies have shown that the healthy, friendly bacteria in your gut can take the DNA from the genetically modified foods.

What Can We Do?

Buy organic foods.  Organic foods cannot be genetically modified.  Support your local farmers markets.  Help educate others.  Spread the word to them.  Share this article.  The market is supply and demand.  Demand organic foods, ban GMO foods and the food manufacturers will respond.

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Sudden Cardiac Death with ADD Medications, Chiropractic & Nutrition a Natural Option

Monday, October 12th, 2009

A recent report on CBS Health Watch Warns About Sudden Cardiac Death Being Caused by Common Medications Prescribed for ADD/ADHD

Dr. Peter Osborne, Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of NutritionDoctor Osborne’s Comment

I have been saying for years that medications like ritalin and adderall are nothing more than cocaine for children.  Let’s take a look at the facts surrounding ADD and ADHD.

Diagnosing ADD/ADHD has no definitive testing protocol.  The diagnosis is typically based on opinion of teachers, parents, and doctors.  In the last 60 years, we went from a few thousand to more than 4 million prescriptions given annually for children with this condition.  Further more, Ritalin and Adderall have not been shown to improve grade performance at school, but this is commonly touted as on of the main reasons for their use.   As a matter of fact, Ritalin and Adderall work on the same neural receptors as cocaine and are classified as schedule II agents because of their potential for abuse.  Common side effects include:

  • sudden cardiac death
  • abdominal pain
  • insomnia
  • delayed growth
  • anxiety
  • nervousness
  • agitation
  • hallucinations
  • weight loss
  • increased heart rate
  • addiction
U.S. consumption of food colors alone 100 million pounds (13-15 gm/day)
Artificial food colors, flavorings, and preservatives(benzoates, nitrates, and sulfites.
Anticaking agents – aluminosilicates
Synthetic antioxidants – BHA, BHT
Bleaching agents – hydrogen peroxide
Shannon in 1922 studies found 30-50% of children improved after an elimination diet
Feingold (1200 pediatric case studies)
Studies not repeated with success in U.S.
Studies conducted in the U.S. sponsored by the Nutrition Foundation, a corporate food lobby group.
Studies repeated with success in Europe
Review of 14 studies by Schardt
ADHD + asthma, eczema, irritability, sleep disturbances, food allergies, or other severe behavioral disorders was in part made better by removing additives from the diet

Common Chemicals in our Food:

Let’s take a look at some dietary and nutritional contributions to ADD/ADHD.  U.S. consumption of food colors alone 100 million pounds (13-15 gm/day).  These chemicals have been linked to abnormal behavioral problems in children.  Other common chemicals shown to affect behavior that are commonly found in many foods are artificial flavorings, and preservatives(benzoates, nitrates, and sulfites, anticaking agents – aluminosilicates, synthetic antioxidants – BHA, BHT, and bleaching agents – hydrogen peroxide.  These ingredients are found in some very common foods such as:
  1. Breakfast cereals
  2. Yogurt
  3. Lunch meats
  4. Breads
  5. Pasta
  6. Flavored Beverages (Gatorade, Soda, etc)
  7. Dried fruits
  8. Candy and gum
  9. Canned fruits and vegetables
  10. Salad dressings and marinades

A number of research studies have found that diet changes improve behavior.  The list below is only a small sample:

  1. Shannon in 1922 studies found that 30-50% of children improved after an elimination diet.
  2. Dr. Feingold (1200 pediatric case studies) showing that eliminating artificial colors and flavorings improved behavior.
  3. A 1979 study by in New York City showed that reducing the sugar content of the school feeding program increased district test scores by 15.7% over a 4 year period.
  4. a 1997 study found an association between provoking foods and increased brain electrical activity leading to ADHD like symptoms.
  5. A 1991 review on the implementation of nutrient dense foods into the diet of school aged children found that conduct, intelligence, and academic performance all improved.
  6. A 1986 study discusses how diet effects the production of neurotransmitters.
  7. Review of 14 studies by Schardt revealed the following:  ADHD, asthma, eczema, irritability, sleep disturbances, food allergies, and other severe behavioral disorders were made better by removing additives from the diet.

What You Can Do:

  1. Eliminate processed and packaged foods with artificial ingredients from your child’s diet.
  2. Have your child allergy tested using blood tests that measure delayed reactions.
  3. Test your child for nutritional deficiencies as these can disrupt how the body is able to produce the nerve chemicals responsible for communication in the body.
  4. Educate your child about the importance of nutrition and how it effects their health.
  5. Take your child to the chiropractor to help rule out nerve interference as a contributing factor to their symptoms.

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Organic Food? How Do You Know?

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Buying organic food is becoming increasingly popular due to the health benefits and promotion of agriculture sustainability.  But how do you identify what is  vs. what is not organic?

Official USDA organic food label

Identifying Organic Foods –

Single item foods such as fruits and vegetables must be labeled with the official USDA organic label sticker.  You can also find this sticker on single item packaged foods such as eggs and meat.

Many packaged foods have multiple ingredients.  So how can you be sure that all of the ingredients are actually organic?

The USDA label means that the food is at least 95% organic.  To ensure total organic status and differentiate between 95% and 100% , the label will read 100% organic only on products that do not have other non organic ingredients.

Foods packaging that reads – “Made with organic ingredients”  must contain only 70-94% organic ingredients.  The label may list up to three of these ingredients on the front of the packaging.

Conventional (Non organic) Vs. Organic

Read the produce stickers –

Most fruits and vegetables sold in the grocery store will contain a sticker with numbers on it.  An easy way to identify organic vs. non-organic produce is to read these labels.

Conventional Organic Genetically Modified (GMO)
4 digit number 5 digits starting with a 9 5 digits starting with an 8
Example: pear -4416 Example: pear – 94416 Example: pear – 84416

Pear produce sticker