Archive for the ‘Blog Posts’ Category

Functional Medicine is the Future of Medicine

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine - Symptoms vs. Origins

Functional medicine is a medical approach that focuses on identifying the causes of disease rather than treating the symptoms.  It seeks to understand the origins of chronic disease so that meaningful treatment and prevention methods can be developed and implemented.  The functional medicine approach is a partnership between the patient and the doctor.  The goal of this partnership is to bring the patient back to health as well as to teach the patient about the core principles of health maintenance and prevention.

Functional Medicine Philosophy –

The philosophy recognizes that each patient is a unique individual with a unique set of genetics and biochemistry, as well as a unique set of environmental and lifestyle factors.  These genetic/environment interactions are complex not simple.  Thus a person could potentially have the same disease with a completely different set of causes.  To that end, the approach of functional medicine relies less on synthetic drugs and more on the thorough investigation of a patient using the following tools:

  • Comprehensive medical history
  • Evaluation of the patient’s lifestyle and environmental factors.
  • Functional outcomes based laboratory workup vs. static labs based on standard deviation bell curves of an assumed normal range.
  • Comprehensive physical evaluation
  • Education based approach so that ultimately the patient is less dependent on the doctor to maintain their health.

Mainstream Medicine is Broken –

Mainstream medicine is problem focused.  Drugs are prescribed to mask symptoms without concern for the root cause of the disease.  Drug companies have a huge influence over what is being taught in medical schools.  Additionally, drug companies are allowed to advertise to consumers directly.  Both of these practices are extremely unethical and lead to numerous problems.

The new health care bill created socialized medicine.  What does this mean for you?  – Free care that doesn’t work for chronic health conditions. Medicine is the largest business in the world despite the fact that it has perpetually failed it’s customers.  Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases continue to increase and spiral out of control.  What is mainstream’s solution?  More drugs? Drugs only mask the underlying cause of disease.  If drugs haven’t worked to date, why are they perpetually pushed down our throats as the solution?

Town Center Wellness and Dr. Osborne’s Approach –

Functional Medicine uses the Triangle of Health Approach

My approach is to treat the patient and identify the cause for their problem vs. medicating symptoms.  The only way success can be achieved is to educate the patient on why the illness exists in the first place.  Mainstream medicine places the patient in the role of a victim.  Functional medicine empowers the patient with education so that health can be restored.  The diagram above illustrates my philosophy.  I developed this functional approach to fill the current medical gap.

  • DNA is influenced by the three outer triangles (these outer triangles represent the environment)
  • Biochemistry = Nutrition (vitamins, minerals, water, etc)  Additionally, food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities affect biochemistry as do pollution in the air and water.
  • Physical = structure.  For example, being 20 pounds overweight causes excessive pressure on your heart, blood vessels, joints, and more.  Exercise greatly influences the physical aspect of the Triangle of Health.
  • Mental = your psychological and spiritual state of mind.

If you are tired of a 50 minute wait for the doctor followed by a 5 minute consult and a quick drug prescription fix, you are in the right place.  Many of you that know me know that I am on the cutting edge of medicine.  What I do in my office today to help patients will be common place in medicine in ten years or so.  Do you have 10 years to wait to get healthy?

Whether you are local in Houston or Sugar Land or far away (out of state or country), click on the become a patient tab if you have been chronically ill and don’t know why.

Neck Pain? Try the Smelly Armpit Stretch

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Taking NSAIDS for Neck Pain?

You should know that aspirin alone is responsible for about 12,000 deaths per year.  When combined with other pain relief medications, the risk for adverse side effects increases.  Many of these pain medications inhibit vitamin and mineral function.  For example, ibuprofen blocks folic acid, vitamin C, and iron.  A deficiency in these nutrients can actually contribute to muscle spasm and pain.

Modern Lifestyle = Neck and Back Pain

Did you know that the top two reasons people visit their doctors are neck and back pain?

Our modern, technologically based lifestyles are a big reason why.  Lack of exercise combined with constant sitting are a combination for musculoskeletal problems.

Computer work and commutes in cars are major contributors to tight neck muscles and postural imbalances.  If you are having trouble with chronic neck pain and stiffness, try performing this stretch on a regular basis.  For every 30 minutes at a computer desk or driving in your car, perform this stretch…

Coming Soon – to Dr. Osborne’s on Line Learning Center –

Video tutorials on stretching and exercising to reduce chronic muscle tightness, pain, and to improve your range of motion.  Remember the adage – use it or lose it? Performing these activities on a daily basis will keep your body in better physical condition and allow you to stay physically functional late into your life.

If you want more try joining our group exercise program –

It is located in Sugar Land, and you can check it out for free here…

In good health,

Dr. Osborne

Free Personal Trainer

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

No More Exercise Excuses…  Your personal training is on me.  Just show up at the following address on Saturday at 1 pm.   Yes, every Saturday you get a free personal trainer!

DuFour Dance Studio on Highway 6.  The address is:

3410 Highway 6 Suite A

Sugar Land, TX 77478

All we ask that you do is RSVP to Patricia at 281-240-2229.


If  you cannot make the boot camp, go here now…

Food Inflammation May Be Causing Your Arthritis

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Most, doctors specializing in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, and autoimmune diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system never even consider diet as an important factor in the development of these conditions. I was formally trained in rheumatology at the VA hospital in Houston, TX, and I can say that diet and nutritional recommendations to patients were discouraged and in most cases frowned upon by our attending physicians. It was actually this experience that prompted me to dig deeper into the connection between autoimmune disease and food.

Over the past 10 years, I have treated thousands of patients with arthritic conditions. The most single effective therapies have always been diet and exercise. The paradox with exercise… It is harder to stick to if it flares up the arthritis. The problem with food…everyone reacts uniquely based on their own unique chemistry. But it only makes sense that if drugs can target inflammation as a treatment, why can’t food. After all, isn’t food a drug of sorts?

Prescription Drugs for Pain Don’t Solve the Problem

Drugs only mask inflammation, they do not correct the source.  Many pain meds also cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  This side effect can prevent long term healing.   For example, NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause folic acid and vitamin C deficiency.  Both of these vitamins are crucial for the body to be able to repair damaged cartilage, joints, tendons, and ligaments.  See the diagram below:

I have found that medical research greatly supports this connection, but more importantly, I have found that patients get better after eliminating inflammatory foods from their diets. What foods should we avoid to help recover from arthritis? Depends on the person. Everyone is unique.

Fox News recently interviewed me on this very complex topic. You can watch the interview below. If you think that the information will benefit someone (including your doctor), please share it.

Some Foods Can Make Arthritis Worse:

Forms of Arthritis That Benefit With Diet Changes:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • spondyloarthritis
  • psoriatic
  • reactive arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scleroderma
  • Myofascitis
  • Dermatomyositis

Dr. Osborne Interviewed about Vitamin D by Peoples Pharmacy

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Recently, Dr. Osborne was interviewed on the Good Health Radio show by Bill Swail of Peoples Pharmacy in Austin.  Cancer, exercise, vitamin D, and more are discussed.  You can listen to the full interview here (the show is long – Dr. Osborne starts at 1:19:25 but the whole show is a good one):