Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Osborne’

The Benefits of Cholesterol on Health

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

The benefits of cholesterol often get left out when people visit their cardiologists.  This video breaks down why demonizing high cholesterol is a huge health mistake…

Benefits of Cholesterol

  • Carries vitamins through the blood stream into your tissues
  • Allows the brain to form nerve synapses.  Lack of synapse formation leads to brain degradation, brain fog, memory issues, and more.
  • Cholesterol produces sex steroid hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
  • Cholesterol helps fight infection (virus and bacterial).
  • It is a precursor to vitamin D
  • Low levels can contribute to muscle loss and weakness
  • It forms the nutrient CoQ10

Why Are We So Focused on Lowering It?

Most doctors are hyper focused and evaluating cholesterol levels.  The reality of the matter is that lowering cholesterol hasn’t worked to reduce deaths from heart disease.  That being the case, is taking the medication to lower it worth the risk?  Remember that statin drugs induce muscle loss, muscle pain, nutritional deficiencies, and cause liver damage.

Solution Worse Than The Problem –

Seems with all of the negative consequences of the medications, the smart question to ask is – “is it worth it?”  What ever happened to first do no harm?

The Harmful Effects – Vitamin D deficiency causes heart disease, high blood pressure, muscle atrophy, autoimmune disease, and cancer.  CoQ10 deficiency causes high blood pressure, muscle loss, congestive heart failure, and dementia.  Hormone deficiencies lead to hair loss, low libido, accelerated aging, and more.  Is lowering this molecule with artificial drugs worth all of that?

Commonly Reported Side Effects – Muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle atrophy, liver damage, digestive issues, skin rashes, and nerve damage (neuropathy).  A recent research study found that using statin drugs (the most commonly prescribed cholesterol lowering therapy) actually led to a decrease in heart muscle function.  Another recent study found that statin drugs increase the risk for stroke.

If you have elevated levels of this natural chemical, this article is a must read before considering the use of medication.  Once you finish that article, read this one.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne

Dr. Osborne is an expert in functional medicine and chiropractic care.  He is Board Certified in Nutritional Medicine.  You can contact his office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly treats patients from across the world.  His office is in Sugar Land, Texas in the Greater Houston area.

The Failure of Medicine

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

In this video, Dr. Peter Osborne discusses the failures of modern medicine, and the concept of medicalisation.  This was a presentation given in Sugar Land, Texas for the Gluten Free Society.

The death of common sense…

Victim mentality of health leads to a lack of one’s ability to actually get better.  Doctors often turn patients into victims and life long consumers of prescription medications that don’t treat the cause of the disease.  If you are seeking to treat the origin of your problem, find a functional medicine doctor (Chiropractor, M.D., N.D, D.O, etc) who can help identify why you are sick and guide you back the health and wellness.

You can contact Dr. Osborne’s office at 281-240-2229.  He regularly treats patients from across the world.  His office is in Texas in the Greater Houston area.

Cholesterol Drugs Cause CoQ10 Deficiency

Friday, June 17th, 2011

If you are taking statin medications like Zocor, Lipitor, or Crestor to lower your cholesterol, then it is imperative that you watch this video.  Take this information to your doctor right away and make sure that you speak with him about the toxic and dangerous side effects.

Learn more about the high cholesterol myth and why treating this symptom with medications can be terrible for your health.

If you are frustrated with your current health status and are looking for a functional medicine doctor in the greater Houston or Sugar Land area you can contact our office at 281-240-2229.  Dr. Osborne is a world renowned functional medicine doctor, chiropractor, Board Certified Nutritionist, and Food Allergy Expert.  He specializes in helping people when traditional medicine fails.

Environmental Chemicals, Soy, and Sleep Disruption Contributes to Weight Gain

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

About 60 percent of Americans are overweight or obese, and their health-care costs are higher: $1500 more per year than a normal weight person.  Much of the difference is contributed to obesity related disease like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and other conditions.

Recently, scientists in Japan found  that low levels of certain compounds, such as bisphenol A – BPA for short, (the building block of plastics, including that in baby bottles), had surprising effects on fibroblast cells.  These cells typically help form connective tissue, muscle, ligaments, bones, etc.   Exposure to BPA and other chemical compounds caused the cells to turn into adipocytes (AKA – fat cells).   The chemicals also stimulated the growth of existing fat cells.

Another study performed in 2006 by scientist, Bruce Blumberg of the University of California reported similar results using different chemicals.  In 2006 he fed pregnant mice tributyltin, a disinfectant and fungicide used in marine paints, plastics production, and other products, which enters the food chain in seafood and drinking water.

“The offspring were born with more fat already stored, more fat cells, and became 5 to 20 percent fatter by adulthood.”

Genetic tests revealed how that had happened. The tributyltin activated a receptor called PPAR gamma, which turns fibroblast cells into fat cells. **It should be noted that medications given for diabetes control (Actos and Avandia) activate PPAR gamma and contribute to obesity.  Ironic considering the fact that obesity exacerbates diabetes.   The effect of these chemicals on obesity was so strong and so reliable that scientists created a new term for them – obesogens.

Additional testing showed that tributyltin is not the only obesogen that acts on the PPAR pathway, leading to more fat cells.  Phthalates (used to make vinyl plastics, such as those used in shower curtains and, until the 1990s, plastic food wrap), bisphenol A, and perfluoroalkyl compounds (used in stain repellents and nonstick cooking surfaces) also contribute to this problem.

Think Soy is Healthy?  Think Again –

On the same note, scientists started to investigate genistein, an estrogen like compound found in soy, at doses like those in soy milk and soy formula. By the age of 3 or 4 months, test subjects had higher stores of fat and a noticeable increase in body weight, suggesting that the compound threw a wrench in the workings of the body’s metabolic rate.

Eating at the Wrong Time  = Weight Gain

A Study in the Journal of Obesity reported that feeding test subjects during normal sleeping hours led to twice as much weight gain as feeding the same amount of calories to test subjects during normal waking hours.  The author of the study suspects that one possible cause of the difference is the disruption in the  circadian rhythms( hormone patterns that regulate our sleep wake cycle).  Genes that govern our daily cycle of sleeping and waking

“also regulate at least 10 percent of the other genes in our cells, including metabolic genes… Mess up the cellular clock and you may mess up metabolic rate.”

Source: Go Here…

Relying on Calorie Counting Doesn’t Always Work –

We have to take a pro-active role in protecting ourselves from an environment that is not conducive to the good health of our genes…Watch the video below for the full commentary:

  1. Filter your water – the right filter will pull these obesogen chemicals out of your drinking and bathing water.
  2. Filter Your Air – industrialization has led to 1,000’s of these estrogen based chemicals in your environment.  Filtering your household air will reduce your overall exposure.
  3. Stop the excessive soy intake (especially milks, bars, proteins, genetically modified versions, and other processed forms).
  4. Maintain a normal sleep pattern (go to bed when it gets dark – wake up at sunrise).  Modern technology (TV’s, lights, computers) has led many to lead a more nocturnal based lifestyle.  This shift in sleep disrupts a number of hormones and ultimately degrades your health.
  5. If you still have trouble with weight loss after implementing the above practices, find a doctor who practices functional medicine.  Make sure that the doctor you choose practices what they preach – i.e. obese doctors are not advisable.

In good health,

Dr. Osborne

Is Your Recycled Toilet Paper Toxic?

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Green Does Not Mean Good For You or the Environment –

Many consumers are purchasing recycled toilet paper as an effort to be more environmentally friendly.  The problem is, many recycled TP’s contain a dangerous chemical called Bisphenol-A (BPA).

What is BPA?

BPA is a chemical that disrupts the endocrine system and actually mimics the female hormone estrogen.  It may be responsible for an increase in fertility problems and endometriosis among adult females.  More concerning is the fact that BPA exposure is linked to noticeable neurological, behavioral and even prostate gland changes in fetuses and young children.

BPA is a toxic compound that is found in most plastics.  In the U.S. many states are working to ban BPA in baby products — baby bottles, toys, pacifiers, and other items that babies put in their mouths.  Additionally, these BPA containing plastics can be used to store food (even some cans are lined with it).   Water bottles, zip lock bags, plastic utensils, and more contain this estrogen mimicking chemical.  Oh yeah,  that recycled toilet paper you just bought  may also contain BPA.

Recycled toilet paper: Not as friendly as you think?

It turns out that credit card receipts and other items that use thermal printing paper are ultimately used in making recycled toilet paper. Unfortunately, most brands of thermal printing paper contain BPA.   While BPA isn’t an ingredient directly used to make recycled toilet paper, the process that creates this environmentally friendlier paper product creates a completely new toxicity concern: BPA in wastewater streams.

What happens to toilet paper? It gets flushed. The wastewater ends up at a municipal water treatment plant. When toilet paper contains BPA, it is also processed at the local plant, but unfortunately, some of this BPA finds its way into both surface and groundwater supplies.

So, why is this a concern? The xenoestrogens in BPA have been linked to a number of cancers and hormonal abnormalities.  Water treatment facilities do not remove BPA.  That means that you are left with having to filter your own water.
Dr. Osborne's Comment
The Green Movement is great for environmental awareness.  But often times people look for Green without thinking.  A similar trend was seen with fat free diets, and gluten free diets.  Manufacturers starting using the term fat or gluten free on all labels.  It became a buzzword and was automatically associated with health regardless of reality.

Ever stop to think where you will be putting the toilet paper, or what you will be putting it on?

In this ever complex world of marketing and deception, how can you make informed decisions without all of the misleading media messages being blasted at you?